Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Wedding Reception

We had a wedding reception for Hillary and Nicholas at Tibbet’s Creek Manor in Issaquah.266978_10150248527789794_671574793_7863940_1508007_oNow you will see where all the hard work from my helpers came in. I am so glad I had family and friends there to help me set up, because we only had a couple hours and My mind was in a bit of a fog. I’m also glad I had written up plans for each display area or decoration. We had to go back to the house and were running late, and my family was already setting things up for me.IMG_0225IMG_0228271650_10150248535164794_671574793_7864050_4420446_o

Remember all the sewing my sisters and I did? Well the majority of it was for the tent curtains, which looked fabulous inside and out. 277478_10150248523834794_671574793_7863904_3712900_o

IMG_0240And even better at night! 266978_10150248527799794_671574793_7863942_2953770_o

IMG_0237Hillary really wanted a chocolate fountain, and it was a big hit.

IMG_0244 LightenedThe cake was lovely too.

IMG_0234      Before the reception began.277478_10150248523839794_671574793_7863905_256029_o

One of the neat things we did was have a table of old wedding pictures from Hillary and Nick’s parents, grandparents, and great-grand parents. Hillary has a love of family history and I thought this idea would be a cool way to show that. I’ve never seen it done before. In the rush I didn’t get a clear picture of it, but this picture taken during set up will give you an idea until we get the professional pictures back.IMG_0219


IMG_0231 Three of my sisters and I during the set-up. So many people worked so hard. I am full of gratitude. It was a very fun night.



  1. OH that I were having a, not another one, (I've had my share)... but a BIG party and you and your sisters would be hired...this is beyond beautiful...great job ladies

  2. It looks beautiful! I love the tent.

  3. Great job. Everything looked so fabulous. The tent looks so different when it was decorated than when it was just standing there.

  4. Your ideas were great and you really made that place, which was great to start with, so lovely and romantic. I loved it all!

  5. PS- I forgot to say that it makes me so happy that you are using some of the pictures I took- I was really hoping I had something you would like....
    luv ya

  6. Oh, thanks for taking them. I know our photographer will have some great photos, but I just can't wait to get some pictures out into the world on Facebook and the blog.
    (I finally got the 'dancing' picture to download right and added it to the next post!


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