Sunday, July 10, 2011

Five Days until the Wedding !!!!

…..And my head is a bit of a blur. I keep thinking of one more thing to check on, one more thing to do……

I did have a couple little work parties with some of my sisters and my sister-in-law and daughter. Sewing Last week was sewing…..

 IMG_0124 And yesterday was all about sewing, ribbons, and flowers.


IMG_0127 And a little sisterly craziness

IMG_0130 Sorry AJ, even sister-in-laws have to participate….Thanks to Shannon assisting her with her laurel headpiece.

IMG_0125 And a soft focus picture for one sister who commented that having three sons she’s never been surrounded by so much pink.

IMG_0134 Thanks girls! I love my family! What would I ever do without you.

IMG_0136 On another note, I’m so excited to post my daughter’s bridal pictures, but not allowed to do so until the wedding. SOOOOoooo, I’m going to try and create the post that will publish right after the wedding on Friday morning. Then, while I’m in the middle of my daughter’s busy and wonderful day, it will be like you are there with us. So check in on Friday.




  1. All the pictures look so great! I do really love the pink, I must say!

    I cant believe how close it is getting! Can't wait for the big day!

  2. Agggh! I'm having Nervous fits!!!


People who must have their share in the conversation: