The Links are up for ‘Where Bloggers Create 2” This was wonderful last year. Please link up and show off your creative space in June!
Last year this made my summer! This year I intend to join in the fun!
The Links are up for ‘Where Bloggers Create 2” This was wonderful last year. Please link up and show off your creative space in June!
Last year this made my summer! This year I intend to join in the fun!
I just learned that The Utah Shakespearean Festival will be putting on the play “Pride And Prejudice” during the time I will be there taking my daughter to school. Yay! I am so excited!
Here is a link to the information, and here is a link to the director, Kathleen F. Conlin, talking about some interesting aspects of staging Pride and Prejudice.
I potted a few flowers for my porch yesterday. This sight makes me so happy. Things have been crazy and I love how something as quick and easy as a few new flowers can recharge the spirit.
This year I went ‘old school’ (cheap) with geraniums, pansies, and daisies.
My daughter is driving home from college and bringing her boyfriend to Seattle for the first time. I’ve had a lot of little to do and clean around the house, and on top of that it’s laundry day, so I’ve been on my feet a lot. My sweetie just came home, and said “You need to get off your feet for a minute.”
Me, “I have too much to do”.
Him, “ Just ice your foot for a half hour. Here, I brought you some chocolate.”
Enter Ghirardelli Intense Dark Evening Dream 60% Cacao bar……
Me, “OK, I’ll sit down a bit.”
I Love you Sweetie!
Today I am linking up to the Fabulous blog of Kristina Pulsipher, who is asking us to get out our old Glamour Shots, basically to ridicule the clothes and big hair, etc.
I thought I’d link up even though I was too poverty stricken to ever go to a real Glamour Shots, or any studio for that matter. That’s not to say that in college I didn’t enlist the help of my friends to get some ‘ooh la la’ shots to send to my fiancé who was serving overseas…..So here you go. This is me circa 1987.
This is my BIG HAIR picture. Seriously I rarely had the big hair look down, my hair was so thick and just didn’t stay poofed very well.
This was photographed on my friends VW for added glamour. I’m surprised they didn’t hire me for auto showrooms then and there.
This is in my homecoming dress from High School. My Mom made the POOFY sleeves to be worn tastefully on the shoulders so the ruffles would caress my tresses and frame my face. As you can see, my wanton college life had me scandalously dropping the ruffle of my shoulder. This was pretty risqué for me, and rest assured, I didn’t leave my room exposed like this.
Do You have any flashy photos? If so, link up to the fun!
Here are pictures from my Utah trip with Arianne to visit her future University. For two days we stayed in St. George where I went to school, soaked in a little sun and climbed around on the red hills.
This is the pool area at the hotel. SUNSHINE!!!!!! But don’t try and plan your evening around the timer on the hot tub, because it is WAY off. We thought we’d been out 15 minutes and it was more like 40!
This is a picture of the lovely St. George Temple at night. It belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and was the first one completed after the Mormon pioneers were expelled from Illinois and made their trek to Utah. After St. George we drove back up to Utah Valley where I stayed with my sister Brooke for two days. On Friday we had a cookout up in the canyon. All the parents were on double duty because they were watching extra kids while a few couples were gone away on a cruise. The kids were all having the time of their lives eating hot dogs and s’mores and playing in a nearby creek.
Eric, Krisi, me and Brooke, siblings around the campfire.
We also spent some time with family and visited my oldest daughter. We met her boyfriend for the first time. For some reason I didn’t take any pictures of them, but they will be up here soon, so I’ll take some then.
Well, that’s my trip. It really felt sandwiched in between a lot of other things going on here, but it was a nice break and good to spend time with my daughter one on one.
I am so grateful for Easter time. We had a nice dinner with family over, then we colored eggs. Here is a snapshot of our creations.
We did a regular dye kit and a marbleizing dye which we’ve never done before.
It was also General Conference weekend for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which means we watch and listen to sermons from the church leaders in Salt Lake City via satellite, radio or internet. So rather than go to church we get comfy at home and watch the programs on TV on Saturday and Sunday. It’s a little different, not going to church on Easter Sunday, but we had a lovely day at home and the talks were comforting and uplifting.
Friday my daughter had a lumbar puncture to hopefully figure out what she’s suffering from. The procedure itself went well but she was in tremendous pain later on and we ended up staying almost all night. I won’t go into details but we agree that it was the most horrible night of our lives. Seeing your child suffer tremendously and feeling like there is no one who is able to help you- feeling terrified and abandoned in the middle of a modern hospital is a terrible sensation I won’t soon forget.
I have prayed more this past week than any other period in my life I’m sure. I need the comfort that only God can give, and trusting in him seems harder when it’s my child and not myself who is suffering, but I pray for peace and understanding.
Hopefully these tests will yield some answers. We were afraid our trip might be cancelled, but she’s recuperating well and has her heart set on seeing her new college, her older sister, and sister’s new boyfriend. I am excited too. So we’ll go and take it easy. I will try and bring you pictures!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6
This is a picture we took on Sunday of me and my sweet husband Jon. I don’t know what I’d do without him. I liked it so much I had to put it up here. The second is Jon practicing his best ‘Jack Donaghy’ look.
I have a lot of errands and household stuff to get done today to prepare for Easter, and my trip next week. Things with my daughter are a little more upbeat since seeing the neurologist yesterday. We don’t know anything yet but feel the ball is rolling now. She has a lumbar puncture tomorrow. She went to school yesterday afternoon, and today will be her first whole day this week. She will do what she can and not stress about the rest. She did tell her work she can’t go in for a while. We’ll take it easy and hope things get resolved soon. Jon met with the school counselor and she also picked up her cap and gown. What a crazy month it’s been.