Monday, February 1, 2010

Part two of Emma……

…..was great. I think I’m as excited for the trip to Box Hill as she is, even thought I know it will all turn out badly.

I sorely missed the famous line of Emma’s to Mr. Knightly at the dance… “We are not really so much brother and sister as to make it all improper.”

“Brother and sister! No, indeed!”

Emma dance at the crown



  1. Oh my gosh I loved it! I watched the first part online yesterday morning and then the final two parts last night (our PBS station showed the last two episodes last night). I loved it evey bit of it! I always liked the Kate Beckinsdale version but I liked this one a bit better:).



  2. Oh I loved it too. I am gonna try to find the first episode, since I missed it. Thanks Lynnae
    for writing about it.

  3. You can see it here if you didn't catch it on TV.

  4. I have really enjoyed it, and Knightly has 's charmed me to death- at her times Emma's eyes go a bit glassy and marble like, but other than that I can't complain. I have only seen the Gweneth Paltrow version, and I like this one so much better!

  5. I had to hold up a blanket so Mike couldn't see I was crying when she finally kissed Knightly.
    That was such a good movie!
    S & S movie party this Friday for book club. I can't wait!

  6. Hello
    I think I might have missed that movie???
    Looks like one I would love though.


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