Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hands off the High Tech

Yesterday was my weekly call to grandma, asking her questions about her life and childhood. She told me a wealth of great stories during our talk.
This story is about their radio. My grandma as a girl in the 1920's was only allowed in the front room if she was dusting the bottoms of the furniture. Her father's radio was in that room and no one was allowed to touch it. He had it all set up to recieve his news channel when he came home from work. Her mother wouldn't tune the radio or use it, and her impression was that her mom was frustrated by the technology and couldn't work it.
Some things must run in the family. When I am faced with a computer issue that makes me so mad, I will think now of my great grandma standing in front of that staticky polished box in the front room.


  1. And I wish my kids were scared to touch or mess with my computer. They are better oon it than I am some days!

  2. I love this story. Keep 'em coming! :-)


People who must have their share in the conversation: