Monday, February 7, 2011

Into February

IMG_3664 2011 is in full swing now. It usually takes me most of January to recover from the holidays. That’s why I never make New Years Resolutions. With me it’s more like a yearly ‘End of January assessment’. Once the routine gets back to normal I am able to think more clearly about how life is functioning and what would make it better. High on the the list is ‘Try to Get Enough Sleep’, and along with that, ‘More Art’. So we’ll see how it goes.

On the art front, the Burton girls are having another fun valentines swap. It’s a nice thing to do as sisters, sister in law’s, moms and daughters. Those who are too busy may bow out, those who really need it right now, like me, are in. The picture above is just a shot of the table while I was grafting. I’ve been in a bit of an art deficit, so I’m going all out with this little beauty, which is why it will probably be late! (Forgiveness- another great benefit of being in a family art swap.)

I will post a picture of the final valentine after I wait a few days for my gals to get theirs in the mail.


My Third Annual Jane Austen Day is on hold for now, because we are going out of town for midwinter break when I have had the party in the past. I will be talking wedding plans with one daughter and taking care of another who is getting her wisdom teeth out. But the Jane Austen party will happen. Our theme will be Sense and Sensibility’s 200th Anniversary. I am also thinking of a fun door prize drawing for those who come in Regency costume.



  1. It all sounds so wonderful ~ can't wait to see your valentine swaps! Blessings ~ katie

  2. I received my Valentine today, and I. Love it so so much! They are really gorgeous, and I never realized it, but I quite love seeing my name on a piece of art!

    re you coming out of town this way? I have some things to show you!

  3. Yay! Yes, we'll be there soon. I'll message the info.


People who must have their share in the conversation: