Monday, May 4, 2009

Photo Joy!

On my recent trip Jon and I visited my Grandmother and through the blessing of modern technology (and a patient husband) scanned over a hundred photographs of her, her parents, even her grandparents. We sat for four hours sorting through pictures, numbering and scanning.
It was fun to match some pictures with the stories Grandma tells me every Tuesday when I call.

When Grandma was a girl they spoke only Swedish. They lived in Salt Lake City and her father had a gas station. She remembers playing at his rolltop desk.
Her mother was a seamstress and worked every day. Here she has brought a sewing machine outside.This is grandma on 'Crazy Day' in High School.Me: Grandma, you were quite the hottie!
Grandma: I don't like how you said 'WERE'...


  1. I just love old pictures. How fun to be able to talk to her about them as you are looking at them!

  2. I loooove old photos! I don't see our kids saying that about ours though - somehow the color does not make them timeless

    come over to my humble little place and answer the question "I am..." today - or go one step further and enter the contest (see the details at the post) bring your friends with you ;)

  3. What amazing pictures! Technology is so great.

  4. These photos are so stunning and they fit right in with the feel of your blog. I love it! I am so glad you put these on here....I am having a hard time getting around in the Microsoft really needs a slide show option, right???

    Love it.... I hope I can collage with some of these soon!

    Of course Grandma would take offense that we don't still refer to her as a Hottie.....

  5. I love perusing elderly peoples' old photos. They really are gorgeous!

  6. OfficeLive is not really for pictures, it is more for sharing documents and collaborating. I just stuck them up there until Lynnae gets them onto some photo site because it is a big bucket of space and easy to upload lots of things at once.

  7. Awesome pictures and just such beautiful keepsakes! You are so lucky to have photos of your family!!!!
    (I like your Grandmother's attitude!)
    everything vintage

  8. I agree, your grandma's totally hot! How neat that you found/scanned those pictures and call her weekly. Very inspiring. Your effort in preserving these memories will be so appreciated by your posterity! I love the idea of recording her phone conversations too. I really am amazed. I need to call me grandma more!


People who must have their share in the conversation: