Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mansfield Park First Edition

Look at what I had my hands on today! Mansfield Park 1st edition 1

It’s a three volume first edition of my favorite novel, Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park. Anne Repass from the Seattle Public Library brought the books, part of her personal collection, to the meeting of our local chapter of the Jane Austen Society and led the discussion. I was super excited for the discussion so seeing, actually HOLDING the books was just icing on the cake. I have seen Jane Austen first editions under glass before, but never got to touch, to hold, the books, and for a book lover that is the best.

These books were from 1814, in lovely condition and beautifully bound. At the time these books were printed, most novels were produced in three volumes. The books would have been purchased unfinished almost like a paperback, and then you would take them to be bound to match your library, taste and budget. These books are quarto size, which, though hard bound, is smaller than a little modern paperback. I wish I would have set something on the table so you could see the size of these darling little books.


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